Re: [xsl] WYSIWYG XSLT editor

Subject: Re: [xsl] WYSIWYG XSLT editor
From: Dan Vint <dvint@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2008 18:16:18 -0800
See if PTC/Arbortext will sell you Styler without the Editor. This is the closet I have seen to stylesheets in like Frame or Word, although I think you may hit some points where you will want to know XSL/XSLT.

Styler will save XSL/XSLT format stylesheets from the proprietary format that it uses internally.


At 06:07 PM 2/5/2008, you wrote:
Hi All,
We are looking for web based  WYSIWYG XSLT editor  authoring tool.
Could anyone in the group have aware of the product available in the market.

We are looking for a product which does not require any programming expertise.

Thanks in advance.


--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Danny Vint

Specializing in Panoramic Images of California and the West

voice: 510-522-4703

When H.H. Bennett was asked why he preferred to be out
shooting landscapes rather than spending time in his portrait studio:

"It is easier to pose nature and less trouble to please."

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