xsl-list /at/ lists.mulberrytech.com
Thread Index
Last updated: Sat Mar 01 05:26:31 GMT 2008
627 messages
- [xsl] Mono.XsltDebugger: Interactive Command Line .NET XSLT Debugger
- [xsl] XSL-List Guidelines - changed
- [xsl] XSL FO Image alignment problem
- [xsl] Different performance of nodesets created in different ways
- [xsl] XSLT2, collection(), and xsl:key
- [xsl] understanding attributes and predicates
- [xsl] Processing business rules using XSLT
- [xsl] pagination - From PHP To XSL - Recursion ?
- [xsl] count of preceding siblings and their childs
- Mansour - 2 Feb 2008 18:11:04 -0000
- [xsl] Phd Project - XSL for XML to X3D
- Re: [xsl] Why XTRE1500: Cannot read a document that was written during the same transformation ?
- ac - 2 Feb 2008 23:31:33 -0000
- ac - 3 Feb 2008 19:36:31 -0000
- [xsl] Relative position for an element
- Mansour - 2 Feb 2008 23:55:57 -0000
- Mansour - 3 Feb 2008 01:02:29 -0000
- [xsl] [ann: debugxslt v.0.1]: a (very) experimental xslt lint checker using schematron
- [xsl] ODF to XHTML
- [xsl] Gestalt binary for MAC OSX
- [xsl] use of $foo/(//path)
- [xsl] strip-spaces
- [xsl] Browser support for X-link - Xpointer
- [xsl] Call for Participation - Versioning Symposium
- [xsl] Count Ancestors Up To But Not Including a Given Type
- [xsl] XSL-FO column width
- [xsl] WYSIWYG XSLT editor
[xsl] to get the descendants at only one level - xpath
[xsl] XPath 2.0 and XQuery Quick Reference Cards
[xsl] Best way to substitute a empty child node to the value 'NULL'
[xsl] Important, read this Jerry Katzman MD, more about monovision
[xsl] Evaluation of MathML using XSLT
[xsl] first n nodes from a current-group
[xsl] Rewrite xpath to not use variable references
[xsl] Getting node values from different xpath for creating SQL insert statements
[xsl] Ignore case while grouping
[xsl] distinct-values() optimization, sorting by frequency
[xsl] result-document error
[xsl] xsl grouping help
[xsl] About position() in xsl:for-each-group
[xsl] Genreating a HTML file with anchor link
[xsl] Escaping data in XML attributes
[xsl] Eliminating duplicate search results
[xsl] On the prowell
[xsl] Identifying sets of child elements that meet a certain condition
[xsl] Sorting out rowspans
[xsl] xml->xsl using xslt
[xsl] Merge two xml files into one ?
[xsl] Re: xml to XML using xslt- Subject change
[xsl] Count occurances of two' Yes'
[xsl] [ANN] xmlroff 0.5.4
[xsl] Remove parent node for the specific child nodes
[xsl] Default namespaces
[xsl] Re: xml->xml using xslt
[xsl] sgml
[xsl] Parsing nodes with different depths in XML simultaneously
[xsl] Check this out Toubl Contracting Roofing Options
[xsl] Preserving space
[xsl] Using a TransformerHandler strips comments but a Transformer keeps them
[xsl] fairly complex xslt not giving errors I can understand
[xsl] group-adjacent problem
[xsl] Extracting text between nodes
- Liron - 13 Feb 2008 19:18:10 -0000
[xsl] Temporary tree elements and namespaces
[xsl] Fwd: xsl grouping help
[xsl] Parsing complex line (mixed text and markup)
[xsl] Fwd:
[xsl] Accessing input document from extension function loop (XSL 1.0)
[xsl] Grouping Problem
[xsl] Want to use XSLT to sort an XML Schema
[xsl] Difference in priority of node() and *
[xsl] Processing mixed content. [Was: Parsing complex line (mixed text and markup)]
[xsl] ten
[xsl] How to test the parent name
- Mansour - 16 Feb 2008 07:39:50 -0000
[xsl] Passing parameters using <xsl:apply-templates>
- Mark - 16 Feb 2008 10:42:42 -0000
[xsl] Adding xs:time to xs:dateTime
[xsl] XQuery to Report Template Parameters
[xsl] [saxon - Help] SystemID always empty String
[xsl] Using native XPath in IE with Javascript
[xsl] defining output document type by stylesheet parameters
[xsl] Insert new element depending on value of attribute
[xsl] Using XSLT's key() function while context in secondary document?
[no subject]
[xsl] Removing fo:table-footer borders
[xsl] "Illegal character in authority" error running java Saxon under Windows
[xsl] pass parameter to XSL
[xsl] About Merchant Lynx Services
[xsl] [XSL] read java variable from XSL
[xsl] Is an XPath processor responsible for catching misspelled tag names when there is an associated Schema?
[xsl] Variables and more than one document
[xsl] Re: Is an XPath processor responsible for catching misspelled tag names when there is an associated Schema?
[xsl] XPath Best Practice: Getting the processor to detect misspelled tag names in XPath expressions [Was: Is an XPath processor responsible for catching misspelled tag names when there is an associated Schema?]
[xsl] comparing sequences that contain more than one of the same item
[xsl] Mysterious 0utput Escaping
- Marroc - 23 Feb 2008 06:40:22 -0000
[xsl] passing element to function having an 'xs:anyAtomicType?' parameter
[xsl] key( 'myKey', 'key', $current) searches only the sub tree from $current
[xsl] inline XML <emphasis>
[xsl] non-standard xsl namespace on pocket pc?
[xsl] Another grouping question
[xsl] XSLT 2.0 XML Schema definition (.xsd)
[xsl] passing a sequence as a parameter
[xsl] Filtering out nodes between bookmarks
[xsl] Different conditional outputs in same Stylesheet or calling another stylesheet (version 1.0, Xalan)
[xsl] Using values from one node tree to iterate/recurse over another set of nodes. (Newbie Question)
Re: [xsl] Using values from one node tree to iterate/recurse over another set of nodes. (Newbie Question)
[xsl] Reverse axis, reverse document order, xsl:for-each
[xsl] Insert elment in XSD
[xsl] Xquery-Update
[xsl] Converting from xml to xml using xslt
[xsl] Including some records and excluding others in a search
[xsl] two-level grouping xslt 2.0
[xsl] Timeout of external xslt document request
[xsl] [ERR XTSE0210] when importing a stylesheet indirectly
[xsl] Slow XSLT
[xsl] FW: Different conditional outputs in same Stylesheet or calling another stylesheet (version 1.0, Xalan)
RE: [xsl] Converting from xml to xml using xslt---Thank you
[xsl] [OT]
[xsl] ANN: Connecting business with XSLT stylesheet authors.
[xsl] XSLT on Wikipedia
[xsl] XML Schema Design for Effective Utilization by XSLT and XPath
[xsl] RE: Including some records and excluding others in a search
[xsl] Use of data() function (was: Re: [xsl] [OT])
[xsl] Processing multiple documents
[xsl] java-xsl - functional(?) URIResolver