Re: [xsl] to get the descendants at only one level - xpath

Subject: Re: [xsl] to get the descendants at only one level - xpath
From: "Senthil Nathan" <rsennat@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2008 23:32:42 +0530
But with this, it selects everything from that level.
I need to select only child1, 2, 3 and not any of the childs of these.

     <child1/>  ------> select this
     <child2/> ------> select this
     <child3>  ------> select this
           <child31/>  --> not this
            <child32/> --> not this


On 2/6/08, David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > what is the xpath query to get the descendants only at one level.
> the axis you are looking for is the child axis so
> /root/level1/child::*
> except that is the default axis, so normally that is written
> /root/level1/*
> David
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