Re: [xsl] Temporary tree elements and namespaces

Subject: Re: [xsl] Temporary tree elements and namespaces
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 01:01:53 GMT
> My guess is that both a and b are "binded" to a void namespace and
I don't see any elements or variables named a or b so I'm not sure what
you mean here, however 


      <xsl:element name="tax">
        <xsl:element name="value">

you create elements tax and value in the default namespace for the

but here


you are looking for an elemet value in no-namepsace.

If you want to create an element in a namespace then to query that
element you need to either make that the default namespace for xpath
or bind that namespace to a prefix and use $taxes/excel:value

here though as I think Michael has already said it seems that you don't
really want to generate a list of elements, it woul dbe sufficient (ad
more efficient) to generate a lit of numbers.


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