Re: [xsl] [saxon - Help] SystemID always empty String

Subject: Re: [xsl] [saxon - Help] SystemID always empty String
From: Florent Georges <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 15:12:37 +0100 (CET)
Johannes Neubauer wrote:


> Sorry this was a mistake of the example (it is not exactly
> what I use in my code, but a simplified excerpt). Of
> course I use saxFactory#getTemplatesHandler().

> Anyway in my code I use it the right way and the problem
> remains.

  Sorry, I gave you an example of using JAXP to compile a
generated stylesheet, forgetting the context was the System
ID of the generated stylesheet in case of compilation

  Unfortunately, the JAXP spec is not really precise about
System IDs, and if I remember correctly Saxon uses the SysID
of the stylesheet (not the result, so the meta stylesheet in
your case) for error reporting when TemplatesHandler or
TransformerHandler objects are involved.

  This is quite annoying when dealing with meta stylesheets
if I remember correctly issues I run into recently.

  BTW, this is getting too Saxon-specific, so we'd better
go to Saxon's ML I think, if you want to continue this



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