RE: [xsl] Re: Is an XPath processor responsible for catching misspelled tag names when there is an associated Schema?

Subject: RE: [xsl] Re: Is an XPath processor responsible for catching misspelled tag names when there is an associated Schema?
From: "Michael Kay" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 14:37:30 -0000
> I am disappointed that detection of mispelled tag names 
> cannot be done entirely within XPath expression, and that 
> features from the host language must be used.

Well, XPath relies on the host language to establish the context, so at the
very least, it's the host language's responsibility to say what schema
components are present in the context. Assuming this has been done, then you
can indeed say: 
>    count(/(Book treat as schema-element(Book))/Authr)

But I doubt somehow that many people will do so.

Michael Kay

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