Subject: [xsl] Another grouping question From: "James Cummings" <cummings.james@xxxxxxxxx> Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2008 13:53:37 +0000 |
Ok, I've finally had time to play with xsl:for-each-group again and had another question. Throughout my collection() of documents there are some tei:seg elements with a @type of 'dMeeting' and a @subtype of 'C'. I can get a nice list of these that looks like: <item>25 -- met with mr foo </item> <item>20 -- met with ms foo </item> <item>17 -- met with miss blort </item> By doing something like: =========== <xsl:variable name="docs" select="collection('../../working/xml/files.xml')"/> <xsl:variable name="dMeetingC" select="$docs//tei:text//tei:seg[@type="dMeeting"][@subtype='C']"/> <xsl:variable name="norm-dMeetingC" select="$dMeetingC/normalize-space(lower-case(.))"/> <div> <head>Frequency List</head> <list type="unordered"> <xsl:for-each-group select="$norm-dMeetingC" group-by="."> <xsl:sort select="count(current-group())" data-type="number" order="descending"/> <xsl:sort select="current-grouping-key()"/> <xsl:variable name="count" select="count(current-group())"/> <xsl:variable name="date"> <!-- what I want to get here is the ./ancestor::tei:p[@type='dDay']//tei:date[1]/substring-before(@when, '-') from the current tei:seg to form a list of dates on which the meeting took place. all of these will be inside a tei:p of this @type. I eventually what to turn each of these into a link to that paragraph. --> </xsl:variable> <item> <xsl:value-of select="concat($count, ' -- ', current-grouping-key(), ' -- ', $date)"/> </item> </xsl:for-each-group> </list> </div> =========== Is it because I've normalize-space()'d that I can't then traverse up from the node to get the ancestor::tei:p? What I want to end up with instead is something like: <item>25 -- met with mr foo (1804-01-12, 1804-04-15, 1805-03-17, 1805-12-25, etc. etc.) </item> <item>20 -- met with ms foo (1804-01-13, 1804-04-16, 1805-03-18, 1805-12-26, etc. etc.)</item> <item>17 -- met with miss blort (1804-01-10, 1804-04-12, 1805-03-14, 1805-12-23, etc. etc.)</item> (though I'll eventually hide them with css, with an optional display, and turn them into links to the text.) How in the middle of an xsl:for-each-group do I traverse up the hierarchy, yet maintain the comparison in a normalize-space()'d lower-case() kind of manner? Suggestions for what should go in the date variable? Many many thanks, -James
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[xsl] non-standard xsl namespace on, bryan rasmussen | Date | Re: [xsl] Another grouping question, Florent Georges |
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