[xsl] Re: Conditionally Sum an Attribute

Subject: [xsl] Re: Conditionally Sum an Attribute
From: "Ronnie Royston" <rhroyston@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 1 Jun 2008 11:59:25 -0500
Dr. Carlisle, thank you for the direction.  I will be more specific
with my posting and not use a Windows filepath with the
xsl:result-document instruction.


So, you defined a variable "x" to capture a sequence.  "x" is nested
in an xsl:for-each that iterates over every <code> element's child
text node?  However, the for-each does NOT set the context node?  The
document function sets the context node to each <sku> returned against
the boolean predicate "[starts-with(.,current())]"?  The current()
function is necessary to present each <code> element's child text node
as the 2nd argument to the starts-with function?  OK, so the sequence
of <skus>'s that begin with a <code> found in knowledge.xml is now
available (as "x")?  So "x" is an index of "CP-7937G","CP-7941G", etc?

I don't understand the xsl:sequence's key function.  It seems like "x"
is a <sku> such as "CP-7941G".  How does XSLT processor know
"CP-7941G"/@quantity?  This does not seem like correct syntax.

Wow, ...I know I'm off in the weeds.  I'll keep studying.  I've got 2
more books on XSLT coming in the mail.  Thanks for the answer.

> <xsl:key name="sku" match="knowledge/part" use="code" />
> <xsl:variable name="root" select="/"/>
> <xsl:variable name="skus" as="xs:string*"
> select="distinct-values(/knowledge/part/code)" />
> <xsl:variable name="names" as="xs:string*">
>  <xsl:for-each select="$skus">
>  <xsl:variable name="x" select="document('mySkus.xml')/skus/sku[starts-with(.,current())]"/>
>  <xsl:sequence select="key('sku',current()[$x],$root)/(concat(sum($x/@quantity),' ',name))"/>
>  </xsl:for-each>
> </xsl:variable>

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