[xsl] Printing CDATA from feed as HTML

Subject: [xsl] Printing CDATA from feed as HTML
From: Joelle Tegwen <tegwe002@xxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2008 16:08:58 -0500
Using xsl 1.0 with php 5.x

I'm trying to consume an atom feed and I'd like to print out the full body of the content. It's wrapped in a CDATA section so I'm having trouble getting it to display correctly. The tags come out escaped despite adding the disable-output-escaping. I've looked via google and not found an answer.

Sites do this so it must be possible somehow. Right? Snippets below
Links to a manual to read are fine too.


My XML snippet (Typical atom feed I'm guessing?) full feed at http://blog.lib.umn.edu/huntx010/ici/atom.xml:

<title>(Further) Reflections on Green Living</title>
<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="http://blog.lib.umn.edu/huntx010/ici/2008/06/further_reflections_on_green_l.html"; />
<link rel="service.edit" type="application/atom+xml" href="https://blog.lib.umn.edu/cgi-bin/mt-atom.cgi/weblog/blog_id=7828/entry_id=131252"; title="(Further) Reflections on Green Living" />
<id>tag:blog.lib.umn.edu,2008:/huntx010/ici//7828.131252</id> <published>2008-06-11T19:48:09Z</published>
<summary>Summer is a great time for taking stock of your eco-life, and for adding a little extra oomph to the good habits you already have. For example, are there any &quot;hard-copy&quot; activities you could do online, such as bill paying...</summary>
<author><name>Megan Dushin</name></author>
<category term="Tips from CEHD Insider" />
<content type="html" xml:lang="en" xml:base="http://blog.lib.umn.edu/huntx010/ici/";>
<![CDATA[<p>Summer is a great time for taking stock of your<br />
eco-life, and for adding a little extra oomph to the good habits<br />
you already have. For example, are there any "hard-copy"<br />
activities you could do online, such as bill paying or travel<br />
planning? Do you need multiple light sources in your office, or<br />
would one do the job? Could you take mass transit to work two days<br />
a week instead of just one? Take time to ask reflective questions<br />
such as these--the Earth will thank you for it!</p>]]>

My xsl snippet:

<xsl:template match="atom:entry[position() = 1]">
<xsl:apply-templates select="atom:title"/>
<span class="feed_posted">Posted on:
<xsl:apply-templates select="atom:updated"/></span>
<xsl:value-of disable-output-escapting="yes" select="atom:content"/>

It generates:

<h3><a href="http://blog.lib.umn.edu/huntx010/ici/2008/06/further_reflections_on_green_l.html";>(Further) Reflections on Green Living</a>
<span class="feed_posted">Posted on: 06/11/2008</span></h3>
       &lt;p&gt;Summer is a great time for taking stock of your&lt;br /&gt;
     eco-life, and for adding a little extra oomph to the good habits&lt;br /&gt;
     you already have. For example, are there any "hard-copy"&lt;br /&gt;
     activities you could do online, such as bill paying or travel&lt;br /&gt;

     planning? Do you need multiple light sources in your office, or&lt;br /&gt;
     would one do the job? Could you take mass transit to work two days&lt;br /&gt;
     a week instead of just one? Take time to ask reflective questions&lt;br /&gt;
     such as these--the Earth will thank you for it!&lt;/p&gt;

I want (We'll I'd really like to strip out the <br /> tags, but I think I can do that. The part I'm struggling with is the escaping):

<h3><a href="http://blog.lib.umn.edu/huntx010/ici/2008/06/further_reflections_on_green_l.html";>(Further) Reflections on Green Living</a>
<span class="feed_posted">Posted on: 06/11/2008</span></h3>
<p>Summer is a great time for taking stock of your<br />
     eco-life, and for adding a little extra oomph to the good habits<br />
     you already have. For example, are there any "hard-copy"<br />
     activities you could do online, such as bill paying or travel<br />
     planning? Do you need multiple light sources in your office, or<br />
     would one do the job? Could you take mass transit to work two days<br />
     a week instead of just one? Take time to ask reflective questions<br />
     such as these--the Earth will thank you for it!</p>

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