Re: [xsl] Changing the Attibute Value

Subject: Re: [xsl] Changing the Attibute Value
From: Abel Braaksma <>
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2008 10:53:30 +0200
Look at my answer again. There I said that you need to xsl:apply-templates again inside your VisualObject matching template. The code below is illegal syntax, xsl:template can only appear at the root level just under xsl:stylesheet.

The code sample I gave you was an xsl:template and it appears you somehow copied it wrongly into the template match (?!?!?). It should go into the main section. Please use some XSLT editor, which will help you identify this kind of errors so you are sure that you have at least something syntactically legal (or look more carefully at the XSLT processor output which will show you the error you made: syntax error).

-- Abel --

Buddhi D. Mahindarathne wrote:
This way I tried .. But no luck
	<xsl:template match="VisualObject[@xsi:type='CChamferEx']">	
		<xsl:template match="Name[. = 'ChamferedRectangle']">

-----Original Message-----
From: Abel Braaksma [] Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 1:26 PM
To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [xsl] Changing the Attibute Value

Hi Buddhi,

In your code, you match VisualObject and there it stops: you select the value of the contents (which is always a string), you create a variable (but don't use it) and there\'s no new apply templates. So the expected result from your code (without me actually running it) would be the stringized value of your VisualObject nodes.

Your first question: what Attribute do you mean? There's no node named "Attribute" and the only actual attribute I see is @xsi:type. Which you can access by using "@xsi:type" syntax:

<xsl:value-of select="@xsi:type" />

Your second question: this can be done by using the copy template (which

you already have) and removing or changing the template for VisualObject

(see my remark above: it misses an apply-templates to continue the matching process). After that, you add, for instance:

<xsl:template match="Name[. = 'ChamferedRectangle']">

-- Abel --

Buddhi D. Mahindarathne wrote:
Dear All,

Following is my partial XSLT,

1. I am not able to access Attribute for changing it
2. How do I extract only "ChamferedRectangle" and place "Fillet"

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:template match="/"> <xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>
<xsl:template match="@* | node()">
<xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()"/>

<xsl:template match="VisualObject[@xsi:type='CChamferEx']">

			<xsl:variable name="attribute" select = '.'/>
			<xsl:value-of select="CFilletEx"/>

Buddhi D. Mahindarathne wrote:
Dear All, I want to transform following using XSLT 1.0

<VisualObject xsi:type="CChamferEx">
       <Address>Laser Job.Layer.ChamferedRectangle1</Address>

And get the output like this:

<VisualObject xsi:type="CFilletEx">
       <Address>Laser Job.Layer.Fillet1</Address>

Here are the things associated with this,

1. Attribute Change
2. Change last part on DOT separated value (I need to keep the last
value with the "Fillet" like [Fillet1] - in the sample number "one") 3. Change the Chamfer to Fillet, but need to keep the last number
above case.

Please help me on this.

- Regards
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