[xsl] Preceding sibling selction

Subject: [xsl] Preceding sibling selction
From: Senthilukvelaan <skumaravelan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2009 21:09:47 -0800
I would like to produce the below expected output, How I do select a
BODY, based on the
preceding sibling value .

If it is "text/plain" It should be shown in text area node.
If it is "text/html" and it should be selected and rendered.
I need a help in selecting the testing the preceding sibling . I am
not sure ,How do I escape a "/".


XML message
<Content-Type charset="iso-8859-1">text/plain</Content-Type>
Here is the text of the message.
<Content-Type charset="iso-8859-1">text/html</Content-Type>
Here is the html of the message.

Expected output:

<div id=htmlForm>
Here is the html of the message.
<div id=textForm>
<textarea id="output" readonly="readonly"rows='30'>
Here is the text of the message.

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