[xsl] include multiple utility modules vs one larger one?

Subject: [xsl] include multiple utility modules vs one larger one?
From: frank johnson <fjhnsn@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 17:16:51 -0400

We have coded a number of XSL functions (about 60) used by a series of
XSL stylesheets (about 15). We've put all the functions into one large
common XSL which is then imported into all the stylesheets.

This has the effect of including much more into a given XSL than is
generally used, but was done to (1) ease the problem of knowing which
modules to import into which XSLs and (2) avoid posssible circular
references which could result from nested imports. Functionally, our
approach has seemed to work well so far.

Is this considered a best practice or have we implemented an anti-best
practice? Aside from an increase in compile time, is there any
significant penalty or downside to this approach?

Thanks in advance.

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