[xsl] problem with fn:contains using xsl:param

Subject: [xsl] problem with fn:contains using xsl:param
From: Piotr Dobrogost <pd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2009 20:12:05 +0100

I'm using Saxon-HE to test XSLT 2.0 document I'm creating. The purpose of transformation is to generate Perl source code based on schema file.

I had this statement

<xsl:template match="xsd:element[contains(@type,'xsd:date') or contains(@type,'xsd:dateTime') or contains(@type,'xsd:bool')]">

which was working as expected and I wanted to refactor it to something like this

<xsl:param name="KnownXSDTypes">xsd:date xsd:dateTime xsd:bool</xsl:param>
<xsl:template match="xsd:element[contains($KnownXSDTypes, @type)]">

but after this change I'm getting different results. I don't see how the latter code could have different meaning than the former one.

Any ideas?

Regards Piotr Dobrogost

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