[xsl] Calculate the average line length within variable name="lines" as="element()*" not including the last line

Subject: [xsl] Calculate the average line length within variable name="lines" as="element()*" not including the last line
From: Alex Muir <alex.g.muir@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 09:42:09 +0000

I'm trying to calculate the average line length in variable lines ,
not including the last line, where the new line is represented by a
placeholder '

I store each line in an element and capture it's length and text which
works fine.

 <xsl:variable name="lines" as="element()*">
      <xsl:analyze-string select="text()" regex="'">
          <xsl:element name="line">
            <xsl:attribute name="length"
            <xsl:attribute name="text" select="."/>

I can get the average like so including the last line

<xsl:variable name="averageLineLength"
          select="round(avg($lines/@length))" as="xs:double"/>

I can get the last line length without error

<xsl:variable name="averageLineLength"
          select="round(avg($lines[last()]/@length))" as="xs:double"/>

However in the case where my number lines is greater than 2 <xsl:when
test="$numberLines ge 2"> I don't want to include the last line as
part of my count and was trying the following

<xsl:variable name="averageLineLength"

Which gives me the error:

Description: An empty sequence is not allowed as the value of variable

What am I doing wrong?



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