Re: [xsl] Calculate the average line length within variable name="lines" as="element()*" not including the last line

Subject: Re: [xsl] Calculate the average line length within variable name="lines" as="element()*" not including the last line
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 11:19:26 +0100
On 12/04/2010 11:00, Alex Muir wrote:
<xsl:variable name="averageLineLength"

select="round(avg($lines[last()]/preceding-sibling::node()/@length))" as="xs:double"/>

you have used an as attribute that says this mmust return one value but if $lines has less than two items
will be empty, so avg() will get an empty sequence, and so return () so you fail the type check.



woul dbe what you want, returning 0 if there are no lines to average.


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