[xsl] Strange Saxon error

Subject: [xsl] Strange Saxon error
From: Stephen Arbour <sarbour@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 13:29:04 -0400
Hi all,

We have a customer that was using Saxon using an XSLT
transform that was created by a third party. When they upgraded to a
version that uses Saxon, they started receiving this error:

net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException: Cannot read a document that was
written during the same transformation:

However, using the same XSLT in Oxygen 11 using (HE, PE), I
can't recreate the error. It only appears when Saxon is called by the
application we support.

The XSL itself does indeed perform operations on files created by
earlier steps in the same XSL. Is this no longer a supported workflow,
but somehow Oxygen is intervening where the standalone Saxon jars do

Thanks in advance for your help!

Stephen Arbour, MBA/TM
Senior Director of Product Management
610 Old York Road, Suite 250, Jenkintown, PA 19046
Phone: 215-886-5662 x291
Fax: 215-886-5681
Email: sarbour@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:sarbour@xxxxxxxxx>
<mailto:LBruce@xxxxxxxxx>AIM: sarbourmei

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