Subject: RE: [xsl] Strange Saxon error From: "Michael Kay" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 18:57:19 +0100 |
Please report Saxon-specific problems to the saxon-help list (or forum) available via the saxon project at Writing a document using xsl:result-document and reading the same document using document() or doc() is not allowed by the XSLT 2.0 specification. Note that there is no such thing as an "earlier step in the same XSL" - the order in which instructions are evaluated is not defined, so there is no way of knowing whether the read comes before the write, or after it: this is the reason for this rule. It's possible that Saxon 9.2 is enforcing the rule more rigorously than Saxon 9.1 did, for example it may be better at recognizing the equivalence of similar URIs. (However, if you try hard enough you can always find URIs for reading and writing that are sufficiently different that Saxon won't recognize that they actually refer to the same resource, and you can thereby circumvent the rule. You just have to take the consequence that you can't be 100% sure whether you are reading the document before or after writing it.) It's also possible that the error is spurious: there's a recent bug with these symptoms, see =397617. But from your description, it looks as if the stylesheet is doing what the spec doesn't allow. Regards, Michael Kay > -----Original Message----- > From: Stephen Arbour [mailto:sarbour@xxxxxxxxx] > Sent: 14 April 2010 18:29 > To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > Subject: [xsl] Strange Saxon error > > Hi all, > > We have a customer that was using Saxon using an > XSLT transform that was created by a third party. When they > upgraded to a version that uses Saxon, they started > receiving this error: > > net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException: Cannot read a document > that was written during the same transformation: > file:/C:/Program%20Files/K4%20XML%20Exporter/data/xsl/temp/21m > issouri4.xml > > However, using the same XSLT in Oxygen 11 using (HE, > PE), I can't recreate the error. It only appears when Saxon > is called by the application we support. > > The XSL itself does indeed perform operations on files > created by earlier steps in the same XSL. Is this no longer a > supported workflow, but somehow Oxygen is intervening where > the standalone Saxon jars do not? > > Thanks in advance for your help! > > Stephen Arbour, MBA/TM > Senior Director of Product Management > MEI > 610 Old York Road, Suite 250, Jenkintown, PA 19046 > Phone: 215-886-5662 x291 > Fax: 215-886-5681 > Email: sarbour@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:sarbour@xxxxxxxxx> > <mailto:LBruce@xxxxxxxxx>AIM: sarbourmei ><>
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