Re: [xsl] Required item type of first operand of '/' is node(); supplied value has item type xs:string

Subject: Re: [xsl] Required item type of first operand of '/' is node(); supplied value has item type xs:string
From: Jacobus Reyneke <jacobusreyneke@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 15:49:34 +0200
Thank you very much Martin and Michael. I think I understand it now.

As always it is astonishing how helpful you gentleman are. Thanks again.

If I may ask Michael, why the warning on namespaces? It's probably a
bit nutty, but I'm currently using them as a way to highlight my XML!

Kind regards,

On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 3:37 PM, Michael Kay <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Variables in XSLT represent values, not fragments of expression text. It's
> not a macro language. You can use the variable $name anywhere you would use
> a string literal, for example
> select="//x/*[local-name() = $name]/description"
> Take care with namespaces.
> Regards,
> Michael Kay

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