Re: [xsl] question about generate-id()

Subject: Re: [xsl] question about generate-id()
From: Andrew Welch <andrew.j.welch@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2010 09:56:10 +0100
>> > 16.6.4
>> > There is no guarantee that a generated unique identifier will be
>> > distinct from any unique IDs specified in the source document.
>> >
>> > Yuk. IMHO that's a spec weakness. More constrained, surely
>> > it's not rocket science to implement.
>> You could do it yourself
> Which would IMHO be a kludge to work round a spec weakness.
> Yes. Lots of ways to do it as this thread has shown.

If I've followed this thread, the problem is that generate-id() might
clash with some existing id in the source?  Mixing 2 ways of creating
the ids seems odd, and using a single consistent approach should make
the problem go away  Ultimately though, you should be validating the
result - you could do it an embedded xsd just for this check:

            <xs:element name="foo">
                <xs:key name="my_id">
                    <xs:selector xpath=". | .//*"/>
                    <xs:field xpath="@id"/>

    <xsl:template match="/">
        <xsl:result-document validation="strict">
            <foo id="a">
              <bar id="b"/>
              <baz id="a"/>

results in a (Saxon-EE) failure message containing:

Description: Non-unique value found for constraint my_id: "a"
Start location: 22:19

Andrew Welch

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