xsl-list /at/ lists.mulberrytech.com
Thread Index
Last updated: Wed Sep 01 04:26:56 GMT 2010
383 messages
- [xsl] XSL-List Guidelines
- Re: [xsl] Change Months from English to French [XSLT 1.0]
- [xsl] XPath behaves differently when opened by document()
- [xsl] Correcting unbound namespace prefixes
- [xsl] change number of indent blanks from default=3 to 2 ?
- [xsl] Differences Saxon v9.1.0.7 vs.
- [xsl] Paths and apos in xsltproc
- [xsl] ePub XSLT out there?
- [xsl] Call java class from XSL with tomcat
- [xsl] XSLT 2.0 xsl:number level="any" with from pattern
- [xsl] question about generate-id()
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Mark Howe - 8 Aug 2010 12:55:27 -0000
- Mark Howe - 11 Aug 2010 10:00:01 -0000
[xsl] function returning string with string-join()
[xsl] Katakana substitution regex
[xsl] [XPath 1.0] Why is .[A] illegal but self::node()[A] is legal?
[xsl] document () return values.
[xsl] XPTY0004: A sequence of more than one item is not allowed as the second argument of concat()
[xsl] [XSLT 1.0] Avenues for content to enter and exit an XSLT transform?
[xsl] Trouble transforming special characters
[xsl] Index with multiple <page-sequence>'s
[xsl] Problem with grouping on elements that are not always present
[xsl] Howto follow embedded Xpaths in XSL
[xsl] Test syntax, compare a string to a list and return true if there's an exact match
[xsl] Grouping adjacent elements by value - within a range
[xsl] Best approach for writing an XML log whilst processing/writing other XML documents?
[xsl] How to date type conversion between xml and Java
[no subject]
[xsl] XSLT 2.1 streaming: only benefits memory?
[xsl] yet another namespace question (unwanted xmlns=""
[no subject]
[xsl] yet another namespace question (unwanted xmlns="")
[xsl] Q: XSLT 1.0 output of namespace
[xsl] problem with xsl:import and namespaces
[xsl] flexibly sized region after
[xsl] How to force prefixes instead of expanded qnames?
[xsl] Selecting all elements which have an attribute that matches a given pattern
[xsl] commenting an XML element [XSLT 1.0][xsltproc]
[xsl] Re Messages 56577, 78, 79
[xsl] XSLT 1.0 serializer for XML
[xsl] Xpath question with processing-instruction()
[xsl] check for whitespace value between nodes
- a kusa - 19 Aug 2010 17:59:04 -0000
Michael Kay - 19 Aug 2010 20:44:24 -0000
[xsl] Why do the namespace appears in transformation ?
[xsl] Merging like Siblings within a variable as="element()*"
[xsl] Question on duplicate node elimination
[no subject]
[xsl] Cannot include namespaces [XSLT 1.0] xsltproc
[xsl] Parameter of type xs:anyURI
[xsl] Parsing a string as an XML nodeset
[xsl] Good quality XSLT course in the UK?
[xsl] browser status on id/xml:id (idxml)
[xsl] Converting from <dt><dd> pairs to better XML
[xsl] Best way of testing Hexadecimal value [xslt 1.0]
[xsl] Namespace issue when running a Xalan transform through Java
[xsl] Catalog support in Saxon-B (Linux)?
[xsl] Help on node selection
[xsl] fo:table-cell with dynamical number of cells
[xsl] unparsed-text-available a file from the current OS directory
- ac - 29 Aug 2010 02:53:20 -0000
[xsl] Why does the addition of one (1) to a positiveInteger produce an integer?
[xsl] questions on "number('+5')"
[xsl] Error XSLT 1.0 (xsltproc)
[xsl] How to output the unused namespaces in the XML document?
[xsl] mode computation case
- ac - 31 Aug 2010 04:27:35 -0000
- Michael Kay - 31 Aug 2010 08:02:11 -0000
- ac - 31 Aug 2010 11:08:53 -0000
- Wendell Piez - 31 Aug 2010 17:17:56 -0000
- Message not available
- ac - 31 Aug 2010 19:02:46 -0000
- David Carlisle - 31 Aug 2010 19:14:25 -0000
- ac - 31 Aug 2010 23:28:46 -0000
[xsl] Performance with Saxon and Kernow.
[xsl] Saxon .Net API performance