Subject: Re: [xsl] Cannot include namespaces [XSLT 1.0] xsltproc From: Michael Kay <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2010 10:33:48 +0100 |
It seems to me this case only. I have just modified my xsltproc command toTo get the external entities you need to read the DTD, and if you read the DTD, the default attributes/namespaces will apply.
xsltproc -o /Applications/Pankaj/main.xml --noout --novalid /Applications/Pankaj/Elsevier_Books.xsl /Applications/Pankaj/main.xml
where novaild =>[Skip loading the document's DTD] and perfect namespaces are added to<chapter>. but alas I miss the external entities († etc).
Michael Kay Saxonica
it's one of those DTDs that addsdefault namespace declarations to elementsBelow is the DTD
If you look at top level namespaces defination they are included by default. "Is there a way to over rule this. Modifying DTD will be my last option and desirable. "
<!ENTITY % top-level.att "xmlns CDATA #FIXED %ESBK.xmlns; version CDATA #FIXED '5.2' xmlns:ce CDATA #FIXED %ESCE.xmlns; xmlns:xlink CDATA #FIXED %XLINK.xmlns; xml:lang %language; 'en'">
!-- Typical invocation: <!ENTITY % common.ent PUBLIC "-//ES//ELEMENTS common element pool version 1.1.0//EN//XML" "common110.ent"> %common.ent; -->
<!-- namespaces and public identifiers -->
<!ENTITY % ESCE.xmlns "''"> <!ENTITY % ESSB.xmlns "''"> <!ENTITY % ESTB.xmlns "''"> <!ENTITY % XLINK.xmlns "''"> <!ENTITY % CALS.xmlns "''">
Here what the root dtd looks like.
<!-- Supported doctypes: book, chapter, simple-chapter, examination, fb-non-chapter, glossary, index, introduction, bibliography
Typical invocation:
<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//ES//DTD book DTD version 5.2.1//EN//XML" "book521.dtd">
<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//ES//DTD book DTD version 5.2.1//EN//XML" "book521.dtd">
<!DOCTYPE simple-chapter PUBLIC "-//ES//DTD book DTD version 5.2.1//EN//XML" "book521.dtd">
<!DOCTYPE examination PUBLIC "-//ES//DTD book DTD version 5.2.1//EN//XML" "book521.dtd"> or
<!DOCTYPE fb-non-chapter PUBLIC "-//ES//DTD book DTD version 5.2.1//EN//XML" "book521.dtd">
<!DOCTYPE glossary PUBLIC "-//ES//DTD book DTD version 5.2.1//EN//XML" "book521.dtd">
<!DOCTYPE index PUBLIC "-//ES//DTD book DTD version 5.2.1//EN//XML" "book521.dtd">
<!DOCTYPE introduction PUBLIC "-//ES//DTD book DTD version 5.2.1//EN//XML" "book521.dtd">
<!DOCTYPE bibliography PUBLIC "-//ES//DTD book DTD version 5.2.1//EN//XML" "book521.dtd"> -->
<!-- set local parameter entities -->
<!ENTITY % "| ce:index-flag"> <!ENTITY % "| ce:index-flag"> <!ENTITY % "| ce:br">
<!-- include the latest version of the common element pool -->
<!ENTITY % common.ent PUBLIC "-//ES//ELEMENTS common element pool version 1.1.3//EN//XML" "common113.ent"> %common.ent;
<!-- namespaces and public identifiers -->
<!ENTITY % ESBK.xmlns "''">
<!-- attribute type entities -->
<!ENTITY % docsubtype "(bk|chp|scp|exm|gls|idx|itr|bib|app|bio|for|pre|ack|ctr|rev|htu|ded)">
<!-- attribute group entities -->
<!ENTITY % top-level.att "xmlns CDATA #FIXED %ESBK.xmlns; version CDATA #FIXED '5.2' xmlns:ce CDATA #FIXED %ESCE.xmlns; xmlns:xlink CDATA #FIXED %XLINK.xmlns; xml:lang %language; 'en'">
<!-- elsevier-book -->
<!ELEMENT book ( info, top, ce:floats?, front?, body, rear? )> <!ATTLIST book %top-level.att; docsubtype %docsubtype; #FIXED "bk">
<!ELEMENT info ( ce:pii, ce:doi?, ce:isbn, ce:issn?, ce:document-thread?, ce:copyright, ce:imprint?, ce:doctopics? )>
<!ELEMENT top ( %titles;, ce:edition?, ce:copyright-line, cover-image?, ce:editors*, ce:author-group*, dedication*, ce:sections )>
<!ELEMENT cover-image ( ce:figure )>
<!ELEMENT dedication ( ce:simple-para+ )>
<!ELEMENT front ( ce:include-item+ )>
<!ELEMENT body ( volume | part | section | ce:include-item )+>
<!ELEMENT volume ( ce:label?, ce:title?, ce:author-group*, ( part | section | ce:include-item )+ )> <!ATTLIST volume %common-reqref.att; %common-role.att;>
<!ELEMENT part ( ce:label?, ce:title?, ce:author-group*, ( section | ce:include-item | ce:further-reading )+ )> <!ATTLIST part %common-reqref.att; %common-role.att;>
<!ELEMENT section ( ce:label?, ce:title?, ce:author-group*, ( ce:include-item | ce:further-reading )+ )> <!ATTLIST section %common-reqref.att; %common-role.att;>
<!ELEMENT introduction ( info, ce:floats?, ce:title, ce:author-group*, ce:sections?, ( ce:bibliography | ce:further-reading )* )> <!ATTLIST introduction %common-reqref.att; %top-level.att; %common-role.att; docsubtype %docsubtype; #FIXED "itr">
<!ELEMENT chapter ( ce:footnote*, info, ce:floats?, ce:label?, ce:title, ce:subtitle?, ce:author-group*, ce:displayed-quote?, poem?, outline?, objectives?, ce:nomenclature?, ce:acknowledgment?, ce:intro?, ( ce:sections | subchapter | exam )+, ( ( ce:bibliography | ce:further-reading )+, ( ce:section | exam )* )? )> <!ATTLIST chapter %common-reqref.att; %top-level.att; %common-role.att; docsubtype %docsubtype; #FIXED "chp">
<!ELEMENT simple-chapter ( ce:footnote*, info, ce:floats?, ce:label?, ce:title, ce:subtitle?, ce:author-group*, ce:displayed-quote?, poem?, outline?, objectives?, ce:nomenclature?, ce:acknowledgment?, ce:intro?, ( ce:sections | subchapter | exam )*, ( ( ce:bibliography | ce:further-reading )+, ( ce:section | exam )* )? )> <!ATTLIST simple-chapter %common-reqref.att; %top-level.att; %common-role.att; docsubtype %docsubtype; #FIXED "scp">
<!ELEMENT subchapter ( ce:footnote*, ce:label?, ce:title, ce:author-group*, ce:displayed-quote?, ce:nomenclature?, ce:acknowledgment?, ce:intro?, ( ce:sections | subchapter | exam )+, ( ce:bibliography | ce:further-reading )+, ( ce:section | exam )* )> <!ATTLIST subchapter %common-reqref.att; %common-role.att;>
<!ELEMENT rear ( rearpart+ )>
<!ELEMENT rearpart ( ce:label?, ce:title?, ce:author-group*, ce:include-item+ )> <!ATTLIST rearpart %common-reqref.att; %common-role.att;>
<!ELEMENT fb-non-chapter ( info, ce:floats?, ce:label?, ce:title, ( ce:author-group | ce:nomenclature | ce:para | ce:section )*, ce:bibliography? , ce:further-reading?)> <!ATTLIST fb-non-chapter %common-reqref.att; %top-level.att; %common-role.att; docsubtype %docsubtype; #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT exam ( ce:title?, ce:exam-questions, ce:exam-answers? )>
<!ELEMENT outline ( ce:list )>
<!ELEMENT objectives ( ce:section-title?, ce:para+ )>
<!ELEMENT poem ( ce:title?, ce:author?, stanza+, ce:source? )>
<!ELEMENT stanza ( line+ )>
<!ELEMENT line (; )*>
<!ELEMENT examination ( info, ce:floats?, ce:label?, ce:title, ce:author-group*, ce:intro?, exam* )> <!ATTLIST examination %common-reqref.att; %top-level.att; %common-role.att; docsubtype %docsubtype; #FIXED "exm">
<!ELEMENT glossary ( info, ce:label?, ce:glossary* )> <!ATTLIST glossary %common-reqref.att; %top-level.att; %common-role.att; docsubtype %docsubtype; #FIXED "gls">
<!ELEMENT index ( info, ce:label?, ce:index* )> <!ATTLIST index %common-reqref.att; %top-level.att; %common-role.att; docsubtype %docsubtype; #FIXED "idx">
<!ELEMENT bibliography ( info, ce:label?, ce:further-reading* )> <!ATTLIST bibliography %common-reqref.att; %top-level.att; %common-role.att; docsubtype %docsubtype; #FIXED "bib">
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