Subject: [xsl] question on EXSLT data partitioning From: Hermann Stamm-Wilbrandt <STAMMW@xxxxxxxxxx> Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2010 17:02:30 +0200 |
Hello, yesterday I was asked by a colleague on data partitioning. He wanted to partition 100000s of Entities in blocks of 1000 for sending a single Database update for 1000 entities. Below is the simplified input, partition size is N=3 and the requested output. Below that is the solution I provided. Here are my questions: * can this task be done without recursion in EXSLT? [the colleage did not like the idea of doing the partitioning with just XPath (1<=position()<=1000, 1001<=position()<=2000, ...) because of the 6 digit number of entities] * is the conversion of Entity to argument by apply-templates the way to go? Input: <root> <data> <Entity>1</Entity> <Entity>2</Entity> <Entity>3</Entity> <Entity>4</Entity> <Entity>5</Entity> <Entity>6</Entity> <Entity>7</Entity> <Entity>8</Entity> <Entity>9</Entity> <Entity>10</Entity> </data> </root> Output: <all> <arguments> <argument>1</argument> <argument>2</argument> <argument>3</argument> </arguments> <arguments> <argument>4</argument> <argument>5</argument> <argument>6</argument> </arguments> <arguments> <argument>7</argument> <argument>8</argument> <argument>9</argument> </arguments> <arguments> <argument>10</argument> </arguments> </all> Solution: <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:exslt="" xmlns:func="" xmlns:my="urn:my" exclude-result-prefixes="exslt func my" > <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" /> <xsl:variable name="N" select="3"/> <xsl:template match="Entity"> <argument><xsl:value-of select="."/></argument> </xsl:template> <func:function name="my:partition"> <xsl:param name="entities"/> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="count($entities) <= $N"> <func:result> <arguments> <xsl:apply-templates select="$entities"/> </arguments> </func:result> </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> <func:result> <arguments> <xsl:apply-templates select="$entities[position() <= $N]"/> </arguments> <xsl:copy-of select="my:partition($entities[position() > $N])"/> </func:result> </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </func:function> <xsl:template match="/"> <xsl:variable name="args" select="my:partition(/root/data/Entity)"/> <all><xsl:copy-of select="exslt:node-set($args)"/></all> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> Mit besten Gruessen / Best wishes, Hermann Stamm-Wilbrandt Developer, XML Compiler, L3 Fixpack team lead WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IBM Deutschland Research & Development GmbH Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Martin Jetter Geschaeftsfuehrung: Dirk Wittkopp Sitz der Gesellschaft: Boeblingen Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB 243294
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