xsl-list /at/ lists.mulberrytech.com
Thread Index
Last updated: Mon Nov 01 04:25:46 GMT 2010
379 messages
- [xsl] Start another XSLT processor from within an executing XSLT transform?
- [xsl] XSLT Concepts
- [xsl] Mapping from two sources
- [xsl] How do I determine that an item is a numeric atomic value?
- [xsl] Columns Header Problem
- [xsl] How do I pass params from <xsl:apply-templates> and receive params from the template?
- [xsl] Create an end element - possible?
[xsl] Mapping from two sources (~ inner join in DB)
Re: [xsl] Hyphenation code
[xsl] dateTime conversion
[xsl] image path by unparsed-entity-uri()
[xsl] Modifying a DTD with XSLT
[xsl] Copying all comments [xsltproc 1.0]
[xsl] nested grouping problem
[xsl] Random number
[xsl] Generating "nested" Result Documents From Flat Source
[no subject]
[no subject]
[xsl] Variable value change based on condition
[xsl] Keeping doctype declaration in resulting output [XSLT 1.0]
[xsl] Efficient XSLT range lookups / questions
[xsl] Character ESC or Hex 0x1B in XSLT
[xsl] XSL Help
[xsl] [ANN] New List re JATS (the Journal Article Tag Suite)
[xsl] XSL-FO: Column Headers
[xsl] DateTime Conversion question
[xsl] using XSLT to replace @ref in XML schema
[xsl] XSL-FO: Column-specific markers
[xsl] Less than symbol in xsl:if or xsl:when
[xsl] Training
[xsl] How to implement a sequence of sequences?
[xsl] xml elements as output after xslt parsing
[xsl] Free Boredom Relief ...
- Gannon Dick - 9 Oct 2010 22:51:13 -0000
- ac - 11 Oct 2010 06:00:01 -0000
- ac - 12 Oct 2010 13:29:14 -0000
[xsl] [ANN] First draft of EXPath ZIP Module specification
[xsl] Namespace and key function issue?
[xsl] Count items in a key ?
[xsl] Foreign namespaces in XSLT atttributes
- David - 13 Oct 2010 14:23:13 -0000
[xsl] Unicode character decimal representation problem when copying the XML
[xsl] Converting milestone tags
[xsl] Customizing DocBook numbering scheme using XSL (legal style)
[xsl] Client-side XSLT and Javascript events
[xsl] Searching for values in XML using XSL using Saxon
[xsl] Group or sort?
[xsl] Create dynamic table with 3 columns
[xsl] determining position based on predicate
[xsl] Open Office xml & xsl processing
[xsl] Ignore previously defined xml output doctype decleration
[xsl] xsl:number usage - trying to generate multiple numbered lists for different sub-trees
[xsl] What's evaluated first: @select or xsl:with-param?
[xsl] testing for existence of content before processing
[xsl] XSLT Help
[xsl] question on EXSLT data partitioning
[xsl] [ANN] XML Prague 2011 Call for Participation/Papers
[xsl] Storing output tree in a variable and stripping
- hallo - 19 Oct 2010 19:15:40 -0000
[xsl] XPath 2.0 regex limitations
[xsl] XSLT2.0 Processors
- Neil Owens - 21 Oct 2010 14:26:12 -0000
- Message not available
[xsl] Creating a sequence from DSV strings
[xsl] Thorny select: getting surrounding years
[xsl] select the group of rows based on the three XML fields and with these conditions.
[xsl] Data sequence
[xsl] Replace function
[xsl] Tagging of text() with using apply templates
[xsl] Ordering in XSL:Apply-Templates
[xsl] Remove Namespace from ouput's root element
[xsl] Conditional xslt inclusions
[xsl] Balisage 2010 Permanent Proceedings Available
[xsl] ID Generation for XML Element
[xsl] Are there things missing in XSLT which force people to use, say, Java to process XML?
Mukul Gandhi - 30 Oct 2010 00:00:41 -0000
Xmlizer - 30 Oct 2010 18:44:11 -0000
Stefan Krause - 31 Oct 2010 11:18:48 -0000
RE: [xsl] Are there things missing in XSLT which force people to use, say, Java to process XML?
- cknell - 29 Oct 2010 15:37:46 -0000
[xsl] Select first letter of first word [xsltproc 1.0]
[xsl] document('') returning null in certain environments?
- J Ferry - 30 Oct 2010 23:06:49 -0000