Subject: [xsl] Tagging of text() with using apply templates From: chirag matkar <chiragmatkarbioinfo@xxxxxxxxx> Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2010 03:15:21 +0700 |
Input is <ref id="B5"> <label>5</label> <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"> <name> <surname>Kaplan</surname>, <given-names>SH</given-names> </name>; <name> <surname>Greenfield</surname>, <given-names>S</given-names> </name>; <name> <surname>Ware</surname>, <given-names>JE</given-names> </name>. <article-title>Assessing the effects of physician-patient interactions on the outcome of chronic disease</article-title>, <source>Med Care</source>, <year>1989</year>, <volume>27</volume>, <supplement>suppl 3</supplement>, <fpage>110</fpage>- <lpage>125</lpage> </mixed-citation> </ref> Required output <bibentry type="bib5" publication="jurnl"> <num>5</num> <authorgrp> <author> <surname>Kaplan</surname><x>,</x> <fname>SH</fname> </author><x>;</x> <author> <surname>Greenfield</surname><x>,</x> <fname>S</fname> </author><x>,</x> <author> <surname>Ware</surname><x>,</x> <fname>JE</fname> </author><x>.</x> </authorgrp> <article type="title">Assessing the effects of physician-patient interactions on the outcome of chronic disease</article-title>, <article type="jurnl">Med Care</article><x>,</x> <date year="1989"> 1989</date><x>,</x> <volnum>27</volnum><x>,</x> <pagefield> <fpage>110</fpage>- <lpage>125</lpage> </pagefield> </bibentry> In output Mainly except - ,everthing else like . , ; should come under <x> tag Also the input of , , ; can be random I have use apply templates sequentially for authorgrp and others but the random input of . , ; is not tagged inside <x> -- Regards, Chirag Matkar
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