[xsl] XPath to select node according to xml:lang attribute

Subject: [xsl] XPath to select node according to xml:lang attribute
From: Philipp Kursawe <phil.kursawe@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2011 18:35:01 +0200

Is there a way to select the most specific node for a set of
languages/sub-languages in XPath 1.0 prefered?

<text id="color" xml:lang="en">colour</text>
<text id="color" xml:lang="en-us">color</text>

I would like selectSingleNode for "en-us", "en" and as last resort
where no xml:lang tag is specified.
My try was:
/[@id="color" and (@xml:lang="en-us" or @xml:lang="en" or not(@xml:lang))]
but that does not seem to work.

I such finer grained selection possible?


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