xsl-list /at/ lists.mulberrytech.com
Thread Index
Last updated: Sun May 01 04:33:06 GMT 2011
283 messages
- [xsl] XSL-List Guidelines
- [xsl] Matching elements with specific multiple parents
- [xsl] Restrict numbering to a sub tree
- [xsl] Using the value of the current attribute in select
- [xsl] RE: xsl elements in template not being interpreted by output as-is
- RE: Re: [xsl] Flat list to nested list,grouping
- [xsl] W3C open wiki page for their specs
- [xsl] determine if a value exist in the following-sibling
- [xsl] spreadsheet xml and group-starting-with
- [xsl] Processing two documents, which order?
- [xsl] How to compare two QName values in an XML Schema?
- [xsl] Grouping siblings according to attribute sequence
- [xsl] Washington method
- [xsl] RE: variable assignment and disable-output-escaping
- [xsl] [ANN] XQSharp 2.1 - XQuery and XSLT 2 for the .NET framework
- [xsl] Could XPath identify markup generated in XSL?
- [xsl] unescape html from xquery
- [xsl] Access XML from the URL and put in different file
- [xsl] mode
[xsl] Traverse sub tree starting from a particular position
[xsl] How to select an attribute on the current node or its anchestor
[xsl] Why Should I Do It This Way ?
[xsl] Whitelist preceding siblings
[xsl] expath zip module
[xsl] XPath to select node according to xml:lang attribute
[xsl] Select a node only if its previous siblings have specific attributes
[xsl] XQuery - Two if's in a for loop
[xsl] XSL embedded in XML
[xsl] A problem with concat()
[xsl] Copy-per-default
[xsl] break-before="odd-page" at start of flow
[xsl] Variations in XML to CSV
[xsl] Using XSLT to do a search & replace
[xsl] Getting previous node in nodeset
[xsl] XPath expression for checking that an xs:duration value is not negative?
[xsl] gibberish-to-unicode conversation
[xsl] gibberish-to-unicode conversion
[xsl] XPath expression that generates false plus a message?
[xsl] RE: Variations in XML to CSV
- mlcook - 25 Apr 2011 12:28:25 -0000
[xsl] Setting default namespace in document output with <xsl:result-document>
[xsl] suppressing duplicate data points contained in xml data
- David - 26 Apr 2011 10:49:15 -0000
[xsl] XSLT transformation using counters
[xsl] Nested <heading> levels inside <lev>
[xsl] convert XML to NFC
[no subject]
[xsl] Need to preserve Whitespace in leading/trainling XML using vb.net
[xsl] "Merging" space-before