Re: [xsl] Software

Subject: Re: [xsl] Software
From: Graydon <graydon@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2011 19:27:37 -0400
On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 03:59:06PM -0500, Ginny Wagner scripsit:
> I've been trying to use oXygen to transform xml files with xsl and it
> can't handle them. I'm totally frustrated now and wonder what you guys
> use ...  surely I'm not the only person in the world with 26mb files
> that have to be transformed! Suggestions are more than welcome. I've
> tried working with their tech people and it seems that oXygen just
> isn't capable of handling what I need to do.

oXygen uses various XSLT processing engines, it isn't one itself.  So
one of the things to check is the transformation scenario, and what
engine you've got it set to use.

The other things to check are the size limits of the Java virtual
machine oXygen is using, what the OS limit of available RAM to the JVM
is (a 32 bit OS can be an issue here) and if there's something about
your transform that might be especially inefficient.

I can transform 20MB XML files using an oXygen transformation scenario
using Saxon-EE just fine, albeit with a 4 GB JVM size limit.  I can't
imagine that 26 MB won't work, though maybe with even more RAM devoted
to the JVM.

So I find myself wondering what, specifically, you're trying to do?

-- Graydon

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