RE: [xsl] [XPath 3.0] Can anonymous functions return markup?

Subject: RE: [xsl] [XPath 3.0] Can anonymous functions return markup?
From: Jakub Malý <jakub@xxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2012 23:41:31 +0100
I think only XQuery/XSLT functions can create new elements. 

There was a debate a few month ago regarding creating new elements in XPath

You may also find interesting Eric van der Vlist's suggestion for a new
syntax for writing values of @select in XSLT

-----Original Message-----
From: Costello, Roger L. [mailto:costello@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2012 11:07 PM
To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [xsl] [XPath 3.0] Can anonymous functions return markup?

Hi Folks,

I want to create an anonymous XPath function that returns markup. For

         let $print := function ()
         return ($print())

I tried embedding that XPath within an xsl:sequence element:

      <xsl:sequence select="
         let $print := function ()
         return ($print())
         " />

but that produced this error message:

    The value of attribute "select" associated with an element 
    type "xsl:sequence" must not contain the '<' character.

So I escaped the '<' characters:

      <xsl:sequence select="
         let $print := function ()
         return ($print())
         " />

and that produced this error message:

    Unexpected token "<" in path expression

Is it possible to create an anonymous function that returns markup? 

If yes, how?


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