Re: [xsl] How to check an element's type against an XSD simpleType and skip that element if it does not conform to the simpleType?

Subject: Re: [xsl] How to check an element's type against an XSD simpleType and skip that element if it does not conform to the simpleType?
From: Michael Kay <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 13:56:21 +0100
On 16 Jul 2013, at 13:29, David Carlisle wrote:

> On 16/07/2013 13:07, Costello, Roger L. wrote:
>> Michael Kay wrote:
>>> Unfortunately schema-aware processing in XQuery and XSLT doesn't
>>> give you this capability.
>> Is there a workaround?
>> Is there is no way for an XSLT program to express: "Hey, validate xyz
>> against the XML Schema and if xyz is not schema-valid then discard
>> it." No way to express that?
> Can't you just not validate the input, then test within the stylesheet
> as you are testing an atomic/simple type.

Yes, in fact you could do it at a different granularity; you could read an
(unvalidated) BOOKLIST and then iterate over the BOOK elements, validating
each one in turn, catching any errors using try/catch, and then doing
different processing based on whether the BOOK was valid or not.

Michael Kay

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