Re: [xsl] initial-page-number

Subject: Re: [xsl] initial-page-number
From: "G. Ken Holman" <gkholman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 16:58:50 -0400
Sorry not to be helpful for your first post, but I think this is an Acrobat issue and not and XSL-FO issue.

There are no other workarounds or alternatives for the page numbering effect you need in XSL-FO, so you are stuck with that to get the renumbering to work.

Perhaps you can ask this question in an Acrobat forum, and I'm sure it would help this list (myself included) if you posted your discoveries here. Perhaps there are syntax alternatives to interpreting page numbers specified in the print dialogue ... I don't know and haven't tried.

I'm surprised when you say printing page 89 doesn't give you "89 of 213" ... isn't the "89 of 213" the underlying page number in the PDF file? If so, how is it that another chapter has 89 pages before this 89th page?

Welcome to the list!

. . . . . . . . . . . Ken

At 2013-07-29 22:21 +0200, KAATMAN Matthew wrote:
Hello Everyone,

I have a situation where I'm using Chapter-Page numbering at the bottom of each page. Each Chapter resets numbering to one using initial-page-number="1".

This works great, but the side effect is odd behavior in Acrobat, etc. For example, I end up with page: 1 (89 of 213). Then when you try to print page 1, you get page 1-1. If you try to print page 89, you'll get the page from the first chapter that has 89 pages.

Looking for some guidance before I re-invent the wheel. These are my two goals.

1. I'd like acrobat to use the raw page numbers: 1-213.
2. I'd like to keep using Chapter-Page in my footer, where each chapter resets to page 1.

As a side note, I'm working within the context of DITA based documentation.

First post here, go easy on me!



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