RE: [xsl] Re: initial-page-number

Subject: RE: [xsl] Re: initial-page-number
From: KAATMAN Matthew <matthew.kaatman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 14:04:46 +0200

This was extremely helpful. Thanks to your lead I also discovered a lot of
other useful tools within Acrobat that I didn't know existed such as removing
hidden information.

I'll report back if I discover a way to do this in XSL-FO in a way that the
renderers can understand.

Thanks everyone!

-----Original Message-----
From: J.S. Gohla [mailto:gohla@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 6:16 AM
To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [xsl] Re: initial-page-number


I hope I understand your issue correctly:

Please try (i.e. in Acrobat X - as I work with a german version, I do not know
the actual names of the english sub menues):

Tools - document preparation - number pages

There are two options:

pages: all
at the bottom of the options field something like "number according to
previous chapter ..."

The effect can be seen in the miniature view of the PDF pages - they should be
paginated consecutively (from 1 to .... 9999, not depending on the page number
on the PDF page).

I encountered that problem when trying to delete specific pages in a large PDF
with lots of page starts "1" and "a-", "b-"pages.



Mit freundlichen Gr|_en

Jens S. Gohla

Cicero Computer GmbH
Mirecourtstra_e 14
53225 Bonn

HRB 13327 beim AG Bonn
Geschdftsf|hrer: Dipl.-Phys. Uwe Mieth

Durchwahl: 02 28 / 42 27 9 - 12
Fax:       02 28 / 42 27 9 - 18
eMail:     gohla@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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