Re: [xsl] Better "Report Map" Function?

Subject: Re: [xsl] Better "Report Map" Function?
From: "Eliot Kimber ekimber@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2018 15:10:01 -0000
You're right, I failed to set a return type (which I would normally always
do). The intent is definitely to return a string.

I haven't tried to make it 100% general at this point since this was something
I hacked quickly in the context of debugging other code.

I will correct the key sorting--I knew assuming the keys were strings was not
sufficient but all the maps in my current projects only use string keys.

For handling the possible entry values, I was pretty much just adding handlers
as I needed them. For example, using this on the result of Saxon's
collection() extensions that return maps of file information made it clear
that I needed an "other" category...



Eliot Kimber

o;?On 10/6/18, 9:49 AM, "Michael Kay mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx"
<xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

    I wonder if this is really what you want?

    You haven't declared a return type for the function, so there's going to
be no conversion applied, which means it's going to output a sequence of
interspersed text and element nodes. That's probably fine if the function call
always appears within xsl:value-of, but it's not very convenient if, for
example, you want to call it as an argument of contains() or substring(). I
would have thought a function that returned a string would be more useful.

    And a function that only handles map values that are maps, elements,
document nodes, single strings, single booleans, or single integers doesn't
feel very general-purpose.

    But you're right that there's probably nothing off-the-shelf that gives
you exactly what you want. For many purposes (e.g. diagnostic output) the
serialize() function with method=adaptive will be adequate, but if you want
something better then you have to do it yourself.

    Incidentally, sorting the keys of a map like this will fail if the keys
include non-ordered values such as QNames, of if they include a mixture of
strings and numbers. If you want to be sure the sort won't fail, convert keys
to strings before sorting.

    Michael Kay

    > On 6 Oct 2018, at 14:33, Eliot Kimber ekimber@xxxxxxxxxxxx
<xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
    > I needed a way to report the contents of maps as nicely-formatted
strings using XSLT 3 and Saxon (Saxon's built-in serialization of maps did not
really satisfy me).
    > Here's my solution:
    >  <xsl:function name="local:report-map">
    >    <xsl:param name="map" as="map(*)"/>
    >    <xsl:param name="level" as="xs:integer"/>
    >    <xsl:variable name="indent" as="xs:string?"
    >      select="(for $i in 1 to $level return '  ') => string-join()"
    >    />
    >    <xsl:text>&#x0a;{$indent}{{</xsl:text>
    >    <xsl:for-each select="map:keys($map) => sort()">
    >      <xsl:variable name="key" select="."/>
    >      <xsl:variable name="value" select="map:get($map, $key)"/>
    >      <xsl:text>&#x0a;{$indent}  "{$key}" : </xsl:text>
    >      <xsl:choose>
    >        <xsl:when test="$value instance of map(*)">
    >          <xsl:text> Map:</xsl:text>
    >          <xsl:sequence select="local:report-map($value, $level + 3)"/>
    >        </xsl:when>
    >        <xsl:when test="$value instance of element()">
    >          <xsl:sequence select="$value"/>
    >        </xsl:when>
    >        <xsl:when test="$value instance of document-node()">
    >          <xsl:text> document-node(): {name($value/*)} -
    >        </xsl:when>
    >        <xsl:when test="$value instance of xs:string or $value instance
of xs:boolean or $value instance of xs:integer">
    >          <xsl:text>"{$value}"</xsl:text>
    >        </xsl:when>
    >        <xsl:otherwise>
    >          <xsl:text>unhandled value</xsl:text>
    >        </xsl:otherwise>
    >      </xsl:choose>
    >    </xsl:for-each>
    >    <xsl:text>&#x0a;{$indent}}}</xsl:text>
    >  </xsl:function>
    > Which produces output like this:
    > {
    >   "baseType" : "map"
    >   "doc" :  document-node(): map -
    >   "engineFamilies" : "10.8M01"
    >   "key" : ""
    >   "relpath" :
    >   "type" : "map"
    > }
    > I'm happy with the result but wondering if there's not a more
efficient/cleaner/more elegant way to do the same thing?
    > Cheers,
    > E.
    > --
    > Eliot Kimber

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