Re: [xsl] problem with transforming mixed content

Subject: Re: [xsl] problem with transforming mixed content
From: "Wolfhart Totschnig wolfhart.totschnig@xxxxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2020 18:33:01 -0000
Dear Mukul,

Thank you for your reply! Yesterday, by tweaking the "type (a)" solution 
proposed by Graydon, I came up with a solution that is basically the 
same as yours, with the difference that I had not considered the 
possibility of attributes on the markup elements. I will add that now to 
my solution, as suggested by your solution.

As for getting rid of namespace declarations, that can be done by 
replacing, in the last template, <xsl:copy> with <xsl:element 
name="{local-name()}">, as Martin pointed out.


On 16.08.20 14:19, Mukul Gandhi gandhi.mukul@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 15, 2020 at 9:33 PM Wolfhart Totschnig 
> wolfhart.totschnig@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:wolfhart.totschnig@xxxxxxxxxxx> 
> <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
> <mailto:xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>     But I am still curious: What would an approach of type (a) look
>     like in my case? It seems to me that implementing this approach
>     would again face the original problem: "turning the punctuation
>     into markup" sounds like a description of the original problem.
> I've come up with following seemingly correct XSLT transform, that 
> uses approach of type (a) suggested within this thread,
> <xsl:stylesheet version="3.0" 
> xmlns:xsl="";
> B xmlns:xs="";
> B exclude-result-prefixes="xs">
> B  B <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes"/>
> B  B <xsl:template match="title">
> B  B  B  <result>
> B  B  B  B  B <xsl:variable name="result_pass1" as="element()">
> B  B  B  B  B  B  <temp>
> B  B  B  B  B  B  B  <xsl:apply-templates select="node()" mode="pass1"/>
> B  B  B  B  B  B  </temp>
> B  B  B  B  B </xsl:variable>
> B  B  B  B  B <title>
> B  B  B  B  B  B  <xsl:copy-of 
> select="$result_pass1/colon/preceding-sibling::node()"/>
> B  B  B  B  B </title>
> B  B  B  B  B <subtitle>
> B  B  B  B  B  B  <xsl:copy-of 
> select="$result_pass1/colon/following-sibling::node()"/>
> B  B  B  B  B </subtitle>
> B  B  B  </result>
> B  B </xsl:template>
> B  B <xsl:template match="text()[contains(., ':')]" mode="pass1">
> B  B  B  <xsl:value-of select="lower-case(replace(substring-before(., 
> ':'), '\s+$', ''))"/>
> B  B  B  <colon/>
> B  B  B  <xsl:value-of select="lower-case(replace(substring-after(., 
> ':'), '^\s+', ''))"/>
> B  B </xsl:template>
> B  B <xsl:template match="text()" mode="pass1">
> B  B  B  <xsl:value-of select="lower-case(.)"/>
> B  B </xsl:template>
> B  B <xsl:template match="*" mode="pass1">
> B  B  B  <xsl:copy>
> B  B  B  B  B <xsl:copy-of select="@*"/>
> B  B  B  B  B <xsl:apply-templates mode="pass1"/>
> B  B  B  </xsl:copy>
> B  B </xsl:template>
> </xsl:stylesheet>
> This is again a two pass solution. In the first pass, the ':' 
> character is transformed into the markup <colon/>, and the second pass 
> (using the first pass's result) produces the final result.
> As also suggested, the above XSLT transform can also handle any number 
> of differently named markups (that can optionally have any number of 
> attributes) before and after the ':' character.
> I've also yet not considered XML namespaces mentioned within the use case.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Mukul Gandhi
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