Re: [xsl] Grouping

Subject: Re: [xsl] Grouping
From: "Christoph Naber pentium120mhz@xxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2020 18:07:11 -0000
Thank you Martin!

This is the perfect solution for the overall stylesheet. Even if it's not as readable as the solution with a function, it requires no knowledge about the special grouping logic when applying templates somewhere in the rest of the stylesheet.

And it's _way_ more understandable than the stuff I came up with.

Wish you a good evening.

Best regards


Am 21.10.2020 um 18:38 schrieb Martin Honnen martin.honnen@xxxxxx:
Am 21.10.2020 um 17:57 schrieb Christoph Naber pentium120mhz@xxxxxxxxx:

The group-wrap should be performed for sequences of <points> of @type =
'1'. <Points> of other types and completeley other nodes should not be

Another approach not using grouping with for-each-group is trying to key
on the generated id of the first node in the group; usually that leads
to patterns that make my head spin but so did your original code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="";
B B B B xmlns:xs="";
B B B B exclude-result-prefixes="#all"
B B B B version="3.0">

B  <xsl:key name="point-group"
B B B B B B B B B B  match="point[@type = 1 and
preceding-sibling::*[1][self::point[@type = 1]]]"
B B B B B B B B B B  use="generate-id(preceding-sibling::point[@type =
1][not(preceding-sibling::*[1][self::point[@type = 1]])][1])"/>

B <xsl:mode on-no-match="shallow-copy"/>

B <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes"/>

B  <xsl:template match="point[@type =
1][not(preceding-sibling::*[1][self::point[@type = 1]])]">
B B B B B  <group>
B B B B B B B B B  <xsl:copy-of select="., key('point-group', generate-id())"/>
B B B B B  </group>
B  </xsl:template>

B  <xsl:template match="point[@type = 1 and
preceding-sibling::*[1][self::point[@type = 1]]]"/>


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