Re: [xsl] XQuery/XPath 3.1: Node List to Node Set ("distinct nodes")

Subject: Re: [xsl] XQuery/XPath 3.1: Node List to Node Set ("distinct nodes")
From: "Martin Honnen martin.honnen@xxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2021 19:15:40 -0000
On 28.12.2021 20:10, Eliot Kimber eliot.kimber@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I couldnbt find an answer in my google and markmail searching so I
thought Ibd ask here:

Given an arbitrary list of nodes that may contain duplicates, what is
the most efficient way to reduce the node list to a set?

The solution I came up with is a recursive function:


Get the unique nodes from the supplied sequence

@param nodes The sequence of nodes to evaluate

@return A sequence of nodes such that each node in $nodes exists exactly


declare function dutils:distinctNodes($nodes as node()*) as node()* {

B dutils:_getDistinctNodes($nodes, ())


declare function dutils:_getDistinctNodes($nodes as node()*, $resultList
as node()*) as node()* {

B if (exists($nodes))

B then

B let $node := head($nodes)

B return dutils:_getDistinctNodes(tail($nodes), ($resultList | $node))

B else $resultList


Which works but I feel like Ibm missing some obvious way to do this more
directly, but Ibm not seeing it.

Am I missing a better solution?


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