TEACH legislation and technological requirements

Subject: TEACH legislation and technological requirements
From: "Carrie Russell" <crussell@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2003 12:37:45 -0500
List readers may be interested in a new document "TEACH and
Technological Requirements" prepared by ALA's Office for Information
Technology Policy, Educause, and the Association of Computing Machinery.

It is available at www.ala.org/washoff/teach.html 

Bottom line: our findings suggest that what educational institutions
are doing now to protect copyrighted content is reasonable and meets the
standard required by the law.  Please note that technology that can
prevent unlawful reproduction and distribution of digital content 100%
of the time is impossible. The statute does not require 100%
effectiveness. As technology advances, new tools may be available that
provide better protection.  However, it is our strong assertion that
whatever method used to protect content should not compromise
fundamental rights and values such as privacy and intellectual freedom.

Carrie Russell

Carrie Russell, Copyright Specialist
American Library Association
Office for Information Technology Policy
1301 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW  Suite 403
Washington, DC 20004-1701

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