Reply to Message ID 20030303221643.14651

Subject: Reply to Message ID 20030303221643.14651
From: "Siegfried Angerer" <sseaprod@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2003 10:28:56 +1100
I believe your questions where answered in past list distributions. However,
librarians are always asked to make a range of case by case common sense
decisions. Your two examples are similar in as far as the question of
reasonable use is concerned. In the first instance your distribution is to a
registered user. The question is whether the text you wish to distribute has
been provided with that intend. If it was provided to the library with the
intend of distribution to registered users, then the library will have a
relevant document that states so.
Your second question about the distribution of course management document is
not un-similar. I presume that the School / University owns the software.
Under these circumstances you will find a User agreement that will cover the
distribution of any text or help files to members of the University and other
relevant parties. Common sense would suggest that the software company /
individuals will treat your open publication of these materials as an
advertisement and therefore of considerable good will. I would also point out
that your question implies that you have been given full authority to publish.
It should therefore not be hard to find a letter of authorization.
The same applies if you have converted these documents to PDF or any other
Siegfried E. Angerer
Bu. Ph 613 9645538
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