Greenspan on IP

Subject: Greenspan on IP
From: "jesposito" <jesposito@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 08:05:22 -0700
>The first item below about Greenspan definistely caught my attention!
For those of you attending the seminar at UMUC this month, recall our
discussion about the difficulty educators and librarians are having in
influencing IP law and policy. Consider what we are up against. When
someone with the prominence and respect of Greenspan makes the case
that stronger IP rights will be critical to economic grownth, our
argument about information access, public domain, and the like is
diluted if not lost in the process. Don't give up! But we do have to
think more critically about our sales pitch.
JE:  Well, wouldn't also be a good idea to spend some time thinking
about whether or not Greenspan is right?

Joseph J. Esposito

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