Copyright and Scholarship/the "Zwolle" Project

Subject: Copyright and Scholarship/the "Zwolle" Project
From: "Intellectual Property Virtual Scholar" <ipscholar@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 17:43:16 -0500
Dear Friends:

I recently returned from a gathering now known as "The Zwolle Group."  
Two years ago, a Dutch association of universities and libraries, the 
SURF Foundation, launched a multi-national effort to address the 
relationship between copyright law and access to scholarly literature.  
For more information, see:

The project has evolved nicely, and on the website you can find 
information about our two large meetings the city of Zwolle, the 
Netherlands.  You can also find the early stages of developing and 
sharing documents that can be helpful for drafting university copyright 
policies and contracts between publishers and authors.  Watch for more 
documents in the months to come.

The third "Zwolle Conference" is tentatively scheduled for February 
2004.  The weather in Northern Europe can be a bit damp and gray that 
time of year, so we will likely choose a sunnier venue!  Meanwhile, the 
label "Zwolle" has come to represent an international effort to convene 
diverse parties for developing innovative approaches to complex 
copyright issues that arise is academia in all parts of the world.  We 
welcome your thoughts about the website and the effort, and we hope 
that you might be able to attend the meeting next February.  Stay in 
touch with the website for developments.  Many thanks,

Kenny Crews
Indiana University

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