Re: "Material must NOT have been intended for educational use"

Subject: Re: "Material must NOT have been intended for educational use"
From: "Glenn Folkvord \(Hyperion Media\)" <glenn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 21:33:39 +0200
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Valerie A. Lang" <langval@xxxxxxxx>

> The checklist is consistent with what I have read on the TEACH Act,
> however I am unclear about the criterion in the 4th bullet down, "The
> material must not have been originally intended for educational use."

I am not an expert but I interpreted that as meaning, if the material you
want to use is not made for educational purposes it must adhere to the items
in the list, but if it *is* educational material then other criteria


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