What to do with item in outdated format

Subject: What to do with item in outdated format
From: "Blobaum, Paul" <p-blobaum@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 09:14:12 -0500
A set of laser videodiscs was purchased by mistake a few years ago... by
someone who has left the institution.  We have no laserdisc equipment to
view them with.  The Films for the Humanitis & Sciences  "The Living
Body" series films are expensive, $2 K or so.  The discs are unopened
and it is terrible no one has been using them.

Seems to me we have the right to transfer them to DVD so we can use
them, the problem is who has a laser disc player to be able to do this?

Has anyone encountered this bailiwick and how did you handle it?


Paul Blobaum          708-534-4990 x5142
University Professor and Health Sciences Librarian
Governors State University Library
University Park, IL  60466       p-blobaum@xxxxxxxxx

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