Long-term permissions

Subject: Long-term permissions
From: "Joseph J. Esposito" <espositoj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 26 May 2005 09:23:48 -0700
>Has anyone out there had experience in security long-term permissions
for articles from publishers?   CCC only grants permissions term by term
by term, which gets to be lots of work.    Do pubs frown upon this, or
has anyone been successful doing this, and what advise can you give?

JE:  Sure.  I have both gotten and granted long-term permissions, including
perpetual rights (though, since copyright is not perpetual, term of
copyright is more sensible).  The key is to be very specific about the
nature of the use.  If you are going to use something in print, don't
request ALL rights.  If you want to put something on a Web server for a
not-for-profit organization, restrict the use to that.  If you want to keep
all your options open, a publisher will want to keep his or her options
open, too.  The narrower the request, the easier and less expensive the
agreement.  To a publisher, this is just another transaction.  It's the
equivalent of selling a box of nails at the hardware store.

Joe Esposito

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