Faculty IP and distance learning

Subject: Faculty IP and distance learning
From: "Barbara D'Angelo" <Barbara.DAngelo@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2006 16:11:26 -0700
Our university technology office is looking into faculty intellectual
property issues related to online and hybrid courses.  They are
particularly interested in policies or practices.

I have already forwarded to them AAUP's documents on faculty IP issues
related to distance learning as well as several other resources from the
University of Texas and Univ. of Maryland's Center for Intellectual

If anyone is aware of policies in place in their departments or
universities that they would be willing to share, please forward them to
me off-list.  Citations or links to resources would also be welcome.


Barbara J. D'Angelo
Lecturer, Multimedia Writing & Technical Communication
Arizona State University at the Polytechnic Campus
7001 E. Williams Field Rd.
Mesa, AZ 85212
Phone: (480) 727-1160
Fax: (480) 727-1407
Email: bdangelo@xxxxxxx

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