Re: [stella] When don't ROMs work on the Supercharger?

Subject: Re: [stella] When don't ROMs work on the Supercharger?
From: emooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Erik Mooney)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 1997 07:47:47 GMT
>Not all 2K or 4K ROM images work with the Supercharger because they access
>the bank-switching hardware at $FFF8, either because there's data there in
>the cart or the cart hits it doing a checksum at powerup time.

Makes sense, and should be easy enough to avoid doing in a standard 4k
game. (of course, if I can't use $FFF8, it becomes a 3.99902k game =) )

>If a 2K ROM just switched banks it'd work OK, but the games that crash seem
>to enable RAM writing.  When that happens, any access to $F0xx causes a
>spurious write into the cart space.

which begs the question: how do Supercharger games enable RAM writing, and
how do I make sure to avoid doing it?  Checking back on the thread about
Supercharger RAM, it seems that any access to $F0xx causes the next access
to $Fxxx (within a certain time period) to be a write, regardless of what
the instructions are.  Conversely, it would seem that as long as the
program never accesses data in $F0xx, it would work fine on a Supercharger.
The game I'm working on uses a data area at $FF00, but is pure code from
$F000 to $F0FF, so there should be no access there (unless JSR/RTS do for
some reason, which I doubt it will unless the stack somehow points there.)

Crackers, if you're watching, would you tell us exactly what you had to do
to Jungle Fever to make it work on the Supercharger?

<can't wait till the Supercharger I ordered from Dan gets here! =) >

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