Re: [stella] Random number generation on 2600?

Subject: Re: [stella] Random number generation on 2600?
From: Greg Troutman <mor@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 1997 12:15:49 -0800
Erik Mooney wrote:
> >(...)
> >>LF0B2: LDA    $B2,X   ;4
> >>       STA    NUSIZ0  ;3
> >>       STA    REFP0   ;3

	NUSIZ uses bits 5, 4, 2, 1, and 0, but not bit 3.  REFP0 uses bit 3
only, so you can store both values in one byte with a simple ORA.  That
was probably done earlier, and the values are being fetched and used

> >>       LDA    VSYNC   ;3
> >>       LSR    A       ;2
> >>       LSR    A       ;2
> >>       ORA    VBLANK  ;3
> >>       STA    $D9,X   ;4

	Get collision status for Missile 0 vs. Player 0 and 1 into bits 7 and
6, shift them to over to bits 5 and 4, then get collision status for
Missile 1 vs. Player 0 and 1.  One byte now contains all 4 different
collision values of Missiles vs. Players.

> >(...)
> >
> >I bet this has something to do with random numbers...

No, I don't think so.

> That is strange.. VSYNC is a write-only register; its register 0, so LDA
> VSYNC reads from register 0, which is CXM0P (a collision register).  VBLANK
> is also a write-only register (register 3) which corresponds to read
> register CXP1FB, which is another collision register.. the ORA would have
> to read from register 3, which would be CXP1FB.  I don't know what's
> supposed to be going on here.  

VBLANK equ 1, which is CXM1P when read.


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