[stella] Minesweeper 2600 V0.99

Subject: [stella] Minesweeper 2600 V0.99
From: sgust@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Soeren Gust)
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 97 19:00 MET
I have just put version 0.99 of minewsweeper 2600 on my webpage at
http://soeren.infoserv.de/atari. As the version number suggests, it is not
yet finished, there is still no sound and the gameplay needs some
finetuning.  I won't develop it any further for some time, i need a break
from the 2600, but sometimes in the future i will continue it. This release
is with sourcecode, under GNU GPL License.

Soeren Gust, sgust@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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