[stella] 16K eprom cart

Subject: [stella] 16K eprom cart
From: Chris Wilkson - MCD <cwilkson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 18:57:02 -0800 (PST)
I finished the initial design for the 16K EPROM cart over the weekend.
Looks like I can get prototypes for $5.  This will cover everything except
the eprom itself (and a socket if one so desires), and assumes that I get
75 boards.  Also note that these are >not< production, "sell to collector"
boards.  They are meant to give authors the ability to test games on a real

The final board will include solder masks (the green finish layer) and would
be about $3 (in lots of 750) and is plug and play compatible with a standard
Combat case.  Just add a programmed EPROM and stir :)

One more thing to note:  these are still protos, technically.  The card edge
connector won't be gold plated, although it will have a reflowed solder finish.
These are pretty durable in my experience.  I'm waiting on some quotes for
gold plating, but I'm not too optimistic...


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