Re: [stella] 6 digit score display and other ramblings

Subject: Re: [stella] 6 digit score display and other ramblings
From: Robin Harbron <macbeth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 15 Mar 1998 22:23:32 -0500
Erik Mooney wrote:
> Unless your routine displays the characters in a different place than the
> standard routine (center of the screen), why?

Simply to see if I could do it, and gain the experience...

> The standard routine (don't think there IS any other, since the standard
> does it with no cycles to spare) uses the 12 bytes for the pointers plus
> one for temp storage.  You can store the score data any way you like and
> set up the pointers during vblank.  I'd probably recommend 3 bytes of BCD.

Hmm, I'm still doing a wsync on each line... perhaps I should transfer
the source/binary over (a bit of a hassle, since it's on the 64) and
let you folks have a look.

> It uses indirect indexed addressing, so it has to use LDA for the loads...
> for temp storage, STA zeropage / LDA zeropage is the same speed as
> TAX/TXS/TSX, with the added flexibility of letting the load be into any of
> the registers.

No - tax/txs/tsx etc only take 2 cycles, while LD?/ST? zero page take 3.
This is why I used the stack pointer as the extra - saved one cycle...

> The standard routine uses it, and it doesn't actually delay by a line.
> Search the archives for my message titled "The scores / 48-pixel highres
> routine explained!".  (wow, close to a year since I did that...)

Okay, I'll have to check that out.

> Well, there's the old movable-sprite deal, if you haven't done that yet.

You mean just a sprite moving around under joystick control?  Yes, that
was my first program.

> Can't think of any other widely-used routines off the top of my head.. best
> I can come up with is a paddle-reading routine.  Another popular routine
> around here, though I haven't tried it, is a flicker-reducing
> multiple-sprite package.  Or you could try to make your score routine into
> a movable 48-pixel sprite... if you can do that, we'll be groveling at your
> feet :)

:)  48-pixel sprite, that can be positioned anywhere? :)  I'll have to
try ;)
Robin Harbron    macbeth@xxxxxxxxxxx

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