Re: [stella] Six-sprite slot machine?

Subject: Re: [stella] Six-sprite slot machine?
From: Erik Mooney <emooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 15:37:00 -0400 (EDT)
> Was there ever a 2600 slot machine game that used the six-sprite
> display routine?  If not, I'm tempted to go and write one even
> though it's nothing I would even want to play, just because it
> seems so perfectly suited to the hardware.  I'm guessing all
> the game companies had decided that there was no market for slot
> machine simulators by the time the six-sprite thing was invented.

If you wouldn't want to play it, why write it?  :)  Remember, writing
stuff that sucks to play just cause it's suited for the hardware is what
killed the Saturn and is crippling the N64.  Write something that we all
want to play.. I'm sure there's a better proof-of-concept thing for the
six-digit sprite than a slot machine.

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