Re: [stella] Six-sprite slot machine?

Subject: Re: [stella] Six-sprite slot machine?
From: Greg Troutman <mor@xxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 08 May 1998 18:18:56 -0700
Erik Mooney wrote:
> > Was there ever a 2600 slot machine game that used the six-sprite
> > display routine?  If not, I'm tempted to go and write one even
> > though it's nothing I would even want to play, just because it
> > seems so perfectly suited to the hardware.  I'm guessing all
> > the game companies had decided that there was no market for slot
> > machine simulators by the time the six-sprite thing was invented.
> If you wouldn't want to play it, why write it?  :)  Remember, writing
> stuff that sucks to play just cause it's suited for the hardware is what
> killed the Saturn and is crippling the N64.  Write something that we all
> want to play.. I'm sure there's a better proof-of-concept thing for the
> six-digit sprite than a slot machine.

Well I'm not so sure it's a bad approach.  After a simple slot demo,
it's not too big a leap to tweak the "wheels", adding user interaction,
and doing some sort of puzzle game...  Who knows, maybe he'll end up
with something even more popular than Zoop ;)  I think a lot of games
may actually have started out as "just because" excercises/demos and
grew from there.


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